Foods to Promote Healthy Aging

While we haven’t found the fountain of youth yet, research has demonstrated over the past few decades that the foods we eat can seriously impact how we feel and look as we age. Whether you are just starting with your nutrition goals or are experienced…

Key Signs to Consider Living in a Senior Living Residence

Senior living residences are vibrant and busy places, full of friendly neighbors, luxury amenities, and a low-maintenance lifestyle that anyone can enjoy. However, assisted living can be the perfect lifestyle solution for those who need a little extra…

The Difference Between Assisted Living and Independent Living

The first step to finding a senior living residence is determining what type of residence best suits your current and future needs. For most seniors and their loved ones, that means determining the differences and similarities between the main types of…

Key Things to Look for in a Senior Living Residence

Once you are ready to begin researching senior living options for yourself or your loved one, you might feel overwhelmed or confused about which residence would be best. While the senior living field is packed with many options, you can narrow down your…

What Seniors Should Know About Selling Their Home

The real estate market can fluctuate from month to month, year to year. If you aren’t in the market to sell or purchase a home, you might not pay close attention to recent trends. Whether you’re looking to sell your home this month or even this year,…

How to Continue Your Education as a Senior

Learning something new can be empowering, inspiring, and fun. If you're looking for something to enjoy now that you have some extra free time, or if you find yourself ready to tackle a new challenge, try hitting the books and continuing your education.…

Expert Tips to Help Seniors Sleep Better

Is it nearly impossible lately to get a good night’s sleep? While you might find quality sleep more challenging at certain times, you can increase your likelihood of sleeping well by adjusting a few habits or lifestyle choices. While not every approach…

Discover the Best Balance Exercises for Seniors

One in four seniors fall each year, though that number is expected to be higher due to unreported incidents. Falls happen for a variety of reasons ranging from low vision to poor balance. While you might not be able to reduce all of your fall risk…