What Are the Most Senior-Friendly Sports?

When it comes to purposeful movement in your daily routine, do you think you're getting enough? You're not alone if you think you might be more inactive than active. About 30% of seniors haven't exercised in the past 30 days . Inactivity can be more…

The Best Outdoor and Indoor Physical Activities for Seniors

Moving your body is a wonderful way to maintain physical health, boost your immune system, and even improve mental health. However, participating in your favorite physical activities might take some adjustments due to natural changes that can come with…

How to Continue Your Education as a Senior

Learning something new can be empowering, inspiring, and fun. If you're looking for something to enjoy now that you have some extra free time, or if you find yourself ready to tackle a new challenge, try hitting the books and continuing your education.…

Discover the Best Balance Exercises for Seniors

One in four seniors fall each year, though that number is expected to be higher due to unreported incidents. Falls happen for a variety of reasons ranging from low vision to poor balance. While you might not be able to reduce all of your fall risk…