What Seniors Should Know About Selling Their Home

The real estate market can fluctuate from month to month, year to year. If you aren’t in the market to sell or purchase a home, you might not pay close attention to recent trends. Whether you’re looking to sell your home this month or even this year, here are a few things you should consider that can make a big difference in how much money you get for your home.

Tips for Seniors Selling Their Homes

Selling a home requires many steps between deciding to sell and the closing date. Here are a few tips for seniors selling their homes in the next year.

Key Tips for Seniors Selling their Homes - A

1. Pick the best real estate agent you trust

While you might be tempted to work with a cousin or acquaintance who happens to be an agent, you want to ensure the real estate professional you choose is the best fit for your specific situation. For example, working with a real estate agent experienced in selling homes for older adults is well worth it. They tend to know more about your situation and how to get you the best return on your investment.

2. Be ready to update.

If you haven’t updated your home in the past decade, or if you haven’t worked on the outside landscaping for a few seasons, be prepared to make those adjustments before the house goes on the market. While you can DIY some of the fixes or ask your adult children to help, you should also be prepared to hire professionals to take on some of the heavy lifting. Remember, updates sell the home. Even a coat of neutral paint on the walls or trimming the hedges out front can make a big difference if you don’t have the time or budget to rip out the kitchen or bathroom.

3. Plan your timing right.

Seasons can make a difference when it comes to selling your home. For example, a winter market often means more serious buyers. Work with your real estate agent to determine which season could be the best to help you meet your goals.

4. Declutter as you go.

Rightsizing is a new way of looking at downsizing. Instead of downsizing, choose to rightsize your possessions by only keeping the things that serve you. Too much clutter can not only deter potential buyers from purchasing your home, but it can also not be good for your energy and creativity. Use the time when preparing for your home sale to clear the clutter and make room for fresh air.

When Should Seniors Sell Their Home?

Real estate is often all about timing. A hot market can drive up the sale of your home and even bring in more cash offers or other incentives. However, while determining the right time seniors should sell their home, there isn’t always a lot of extra time.

In short, if you have the time to sell your home more leisurely, do it. You’ll have time to find the right real estate agent, make any fixes or updates, and get it ready to go before it even hits the market. If you need to sell more quickly and without extra lead time, focus on the easy fixes and updates you can get done fast before putting it on the market.

Selling Your House to Move Into Assisted Living

If you are selling a house to move into assisted living, enlist the support of your new senior living residence. They might have a list of vetted real estate agents, experienced movers, professional home stagers, and even organization specialists. They have done the work to create these lists for new residents to make the transition to senior living even more manageable, so take advantage of it!


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