What Are the Most Senior-Friendly Sports?

 When it comes to purposeful movement in your daily routine, do you think you're getting enough? You're not alone if you think you might be more inactive than active. About 30% of seniors haven't exercised in the past 30 days. Inactivity can be more common as we age, but it doesn't have to be inevitable. You might be more motivated to get out and move if you have a team or an opponent waiting for you.


Whether you consider yourself an experienced athlete or a curious beginner, an easy way to get the recommended exercise for seniors is to pick up a new sport as a hobby. Both indoor and outdoor sports are booming among the older adult population, so you'll likely have more than one opportunity to get involved in your local area. Ready to get started?

Benefits of Sports for Older Adults

An exercise program for seniors typically includes daily, purposeful movement, and this could include a neighborhood stroll, quick chair fitness class, or bike ride. But for others, low-impact sports for seniors are the key to starting - and sticking with - a daily movement routine.

Why are sports for older adults so popular and effective? There are a few reasons. First, sports are naturally social. Even individual sports are often played alongside or between competitors, increasing the opportunity to make new friends or connect with peers who share the same hobby. Research has demonstrated that socially active seniors are typically healthier seniors, which is one more reason to pick up a sport.

Beyond the social aspect of sports are the physical health benefits of regular exercise. Sports participants are less likely to miss a game or practice, as they have accountability built-in with their team, so they are more likely to maintain a healthy weight, boost their immune system, and even decrease the risk of heart disease.

Recommended exercise for seniors includes participating in sports! Even if you haven't been in organized sports in the past, now could be the perfect time to try something new.

Outdoor Sports for Seniors

If you love being in nature and breathing the fresh air, check out outdoor sports for seniors in your area. Depending on your geographic location, outdoor sports might include winter offerings, so be sure you are open to new opportunities as the seasons change. Here are some popular outdoor sports for seniors:

  • Pickleball. This rising sport coming out of the pandemic is equal parts physical movement and social opportunity.
  • Tennis. A classic sport that is available for people of all ages and abilities.
  • Running. Consider checking in with your local running store to see when their beginner running groups meet. They often offer walking groups too, but if they don't provide one, ask if they'd start one up for you.
  • Shuffleboard. It isn't just a cruise ship staple! You can find shuffleboard courts in most city parks.
  • Snowshoeing or cross-country skiing. Welcome the winter snow with gusto with these outdoor sports. Just be sure you are safe, have the right gear, and participate with a buddy so you can get the social benefits too.

Indoor Sports for Seniors

Ready to take your sports game indoors? Check out your local senior center, parks and recreation department, local senior communities, or other indoor sports facilities to see if they offer any interesting sports. Here are a few indoor sports for seniors you might find:

  • Racquetball. Keep up your swing even if the outdoor tennis courts are covered in snow with this fun option.
  • Swimming. You can swim outside too, but indoor swimming can often be accessible year-round.
  • Ping pong. Compete against an opponent or pair up with a partner to take on another duo. In any case, you can work your balance and hand-eye coordination with this fast-paced game.

Any sport you are interested in is a good one to begin with because all movement is good. You might surprise yourself as you find your inner athlete and competitor!

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