How to Age Gracefully: Keeping Your Mind & Body Healthy

If you’re getting older and wondering how to age gracefully, you might be inundated with health tips for seniors that aren’t always realistic or rooted in science. Here’s the good news: you can adjust some of your habits and routines to boost your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Even better, you don’t have to begin implementing senior wellness tips before retirement to see - and feel - a difference. It’s never too late to start a new habit supporting your health and wellness.

We’ve got your tips for maintaining good health as you age.

Health Tips for Seniors

You can begin learning how to maintain good health in old age by starting with your physical health. Here are a few of our favorite tips for supporting your body as it ages.

  • Stay hydrated. Make it a point to drink plenty of water each day, decreasing your caffeinated beverage intake to just one cup per day. Steer clear of too much alcohol. Staying hydrated helps you feel better, improves digestion, and even makes your skin clearer.

  • Know your health history. If you don’t know your health history from family members, now is the time to get to know it. You can work with your physician to ensure you are including any family or genetic risk factors in your permanent medical chart.
  • Get a baseline. Speaking of your medical history, make sure your physician is running baseline labs for cholesterol, blood pressure, and hormones at least once per year. You can use these reports to determine if you have experienced changes in your health.
  • Exercise. You don’t necessarily need to run 10 miles a day to see the results. Most medical experts recommend starting your exercise journey with a simple walk in your neighborhood daily and a few days of supervised strength training.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking is bad for your physical health and can lead to many chronic conditions. Work with a physician to begin a cessation program that suits your habit.
  • Skip processed foods when possible. Choose to eat whole foods as much as possible, keeping fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy on your plate daily.


More Senior Wellness Tips

Healthy aging tips for seniors don’t always revolve around making good food choices and exercising, though those are always a good start. You can also take care of your emotional and cognitive health with a few of these practices:

  • Get plenty of sleep. Skip naps and instead focus on creating a consistent bedtime routine that helps you get to sleep and stay asleep.

  • Keep up with appointments with your dentist, optometrist, audiologist, and other supporting members of your medical team.

  • Stay connected to friends and family. A busy social calendar can improve your wellness. Make sure you are scheduling meetups and other events with friends and family.

  • Talk about your feelings. You can find a therapist or counselor near you to take care for your mental health.

  • Ask for help. Sometimes, a little extra help from a family member or neighbor can go a long way regarding how you feel. Be sure you take time to ask for help when you need it.

At Legend Senior Living residences, we are dedicated to giving residents the support, resources, and amenities they need to meet their health and wellness goals. Learn more about what each residence offers and schedule a visit to a residence near you.


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