
Give Your Brain a Boost: 5 Tips for Seniors to Maintain a Sharp Mind

Written by Legend Senior Living | 8/22/24 1:37 PM

With the World Health Organization reporting that more than 55 million people live with dementia across the globe, it’s no wonder adults are curious about how they can alter their lifestyle to prevent any cognitive decline. If you are also interested in protecting your brain from dementia, we have a few ways you can make healthy adjustments to your current routine that can pay off down the road.

Try Any of These Brain Boosters for Seniors

Here’s the good news: you can prevent or slow down cognitive decline with a few lifestyle changes. Even better, it’s never too late - or too early - to start a new habit supporting brain health. Start by implementing one or two changes, and then add more once you get into the groove.

Start with Sleep

So much of our cognitive and physical health begins when we are in bed. A healthy sleep schedule is imperative, giving your brain and body a chance to reset and recover each night. You can improve your sleep schedule by ensuring you have consistent bedtime routines. Skip the screens for an hour before bed to teach your brain to wind down, and try to have a few rituals that signal your body it is time to get ready to sleep. Perhaps most importantly, stick to a consistent bedtime and wake time.

Eat Good Foods

If you’ve ever been curious about improving cognitive function, you’ve likely seen the benefits of eating superfoods. These delicious foods pack a punch, giving your body and brain the necessary vitamins to operate at their best levels. Aim to eat colorful and fresh foods at each meal, opting for more whole foods and less processed foods. For example, grab a handful of berries and almonds instead of a blueberry and grain bar. Healthy dining is the foundation of brain health for adults of all ages.

Learn Something New

It’s always the right time to pick up a new hobby or learn that new skill you’ve always wanted to. Retirement offers lots of extra free time, which means you can either sit in front of the tv or learn more about genealogy at your local library. When possible, steer clear of passive television watching and get your brain working by learning something new.

Take a Walk

A healthy heart often leads to a healthy brain, which means adding daily activity to your routine will pay off double. You don’t have to start a 5k training plan to see cognitive and physical results; start by adding a morning or evening walk into your day. 

Stay Connected

Finally, staying connected to friends, neighbors, and acquaintances should also be a part of your dementia prevention plan. Research has demonstrated over the past decade that a busy social calendar is just as important to cognitive health as a healthy diet and exercise routine. Try connecting with friends or new people over a shared meal, experience, or activity.

At Legend Senior Living, we offer many ways for residents to engage in brain-healthy daily activities and routines at each residence. Learn more about us and our services to determine if senior living can help you meet your cognitive health goals.


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