
Fall Prevention for Seniors: Debunking 10 Common Myths

Written by Legend Senior Living | 9/23/24 8:41 PM


National Fall Prevention Week is September 23-27, and there are often many myths revolving around falls in older adults. Falls aren’t a normal part of aging—they can often be prevented. By exercising, managing medications, checking vision, and making your home safer, you can reduce your risk of falling. Here are 10 common myths about falls, and the realities you need to know:

  1. Myth: Falling happens to others, not me.
    Reality: More than 1 in 4 older adults fall each year in the U.S.

  2. Myth: Falling is a normal part of aging.
    Reality: Falls are preventable with strength exercises, vision checks, and safety improvements at home.

  3. Myth: Limiting my activity will prevent falls.
    Reality: Staying active improves strength, balance, and independence.

  4. Myth: Staying home means I won’t fall.
    Reality: Over half of falls occur at home—address hazards like clutter and poor lighting.

  5. Myth: Muscle strength and flexibility can’t be regained.
    Reality: Exercise can restore strength and flexibility, even in later years.

  6. Myth: Medications don’t increase fall risk.
    Reality: Many medications can cause dizziness or drowsiness. Discuss side effects with your doctor.

  7. Myth: Vision checks aren’t necessary every year.
    Reality: Poor vision doubles the risk of falls—get yearly eye exams and update glasses as needed.

  8. Myth: Using a walker or cane will make me dependent.
    Reality: Walking aids help maintain mobility when properly fitted by a professional.

  9. Myth: I shouldn’t discuss fall risks with my family or doctor.
    Reality: Fall prevention is a team effort—seek support from loved ones and your healthcare provider.

  10. Myth: It’s not my place to talk to loved ones about their fall risk.
    Reality: Express concern and offer help to support their independence and safety.

Legend Senior Living residences are purposefully designed to solve problems of mobility while enabling a vibrant, independent life. Fall risk reduction is just one of the dozens of advantages to living in a place where the entire focus is on your well-being, health and adding many active, exciting, productive years to your life with loved ones and friends.


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